Kudo’s To Lowes’ . . . Going GREENER
Okay, I’m excited! Most will think I have totally flipped to be excited about this, but I am. This weekend I was in Lowes Home Improvement and saw that they are trying to go GREENER. They now offer reusable shopping bags and they are quality ones at that.

Lowes originally was started in North Wilkesboro, NC but has since moved to Mooresville, NC. It is really nice to see companies seeing the importance of trying to get away from the use of plastic shopping bags.
Seeing turtles dying from mistakenly eating plastic bags is all it took for me. Since then 95% of the time we take our own reusable shopping bags when we shop. The other 5% we mistakenly forget them and either purchase more bags or carry the items out to the car.

About the author:
Teresa Harris is a Lake Norman Residential Real Estate Broker who can assist you with the purchase and/or sale of real estate in Lake Norman and surrounding counties. Please visit http://www.teresamharris.com/ for your relocation and/or your local needs.
Teresa Harris - Holbrooks Real Estate, Inc. - 704-458-1807 - Teresa@TeresaMHarris.com
Copyright © 2008 By Teresa Harris, All Rights Reserved...*Kudo's To Lowes' . . . Going GREENER*
As much as you were surprised that Lowes was trying to be greener with their reusable cloth bags, I was more surprised, actually shocked to hear about some of their practices. I was interested in a bath vanity cabinet however it was all sold out and was discontinued. I asked a salesperson if I could purchase the display but he explained to me that most of their product displays are destroyed and dumped as trash. He said that if Lowes purchased the display they get credited for it from the manufacturers vendor then must destroy it because they can't sell it and make money twice off of it or if the display was free from the manufacturer they direct Lowes to destroy it because its too costly to ship back to the manufacturer. He said that no eve the employees can buy it or take it home. Even though the product may be slightly scratched or dented, someone can surely make use of them. I suggested that they donate it to such non-profit organizations that assist in building for the homeless or needy. The salesperson just shrugged his shoulders and said "that's just the way they do it." I am so disappointed. What an absolute waste!!! My opinion about the reusable bags is that they really don't care about being green, on the surface they're just following the trend of offering those bags but truly they are not doing all they can to save the planet.
I agree with you about Lowe's. What a shame! What makes me angry too is when I watch HGTV shows and see designers tearing apart and literally smashing with huge sledge hammers perfectly good kitchen cabinets, etc. and then dumping them for trash. They should try their hardest to salvage as much as they can and donate it to groups like Habitat. It irritates me because HGTV is on this 'go green' campaign.
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